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There are 16 words beginning with LUD

LUDlud n. (UK, pronunciation spelling) lord (used in addressing a judge).
lud sym. (International standards) ISO 639-3 language code for Ludian.
LUD n. lord, used when addressing a judge, also LUDSHIP.
LUDElude n. (Slang) A pill containing the drug methaqualone.
lude v. (Slang) To get high on quaalude.
lude n. (Slang) A Honda Prelude sports car.
LUDOludo n. Alternative letter-case form of Ludo.
Ludo n. A children’s board game in which tokens are moved round a board.
Ludo prop.n. A nickname short for Ludovic.
LUDSluds n. Plural of lud.
LUDs n. (Telecommunications) local usage details; a list of locally called numbers, often provided by telecom…
LUD n. lord, used when addressing a judge, also LUDSHIP.
LUDESludes n. Plural of lude.
LUDE n. a type of sedative pill.
LUDICludic adj. Playful.
ludic adj. Of or pertaining to play or games.
Ludic n. An endangered Finnic language spoken in Russia on the southwestern shores of the lake Onega.
LUDOSludos n. Plural of ludo.
LUDO n. a simple board game played with dice and counters in which the aim is to be the first to reach a destination.
LUDSHIPludship n. Pronunciation spelling of lordship.
LUDSHIP n. lordship, used when addressing a judge, also LUD.
LUDERICKluderick n. The fish Girella tricuspidata.
LUDERICK n. (Native Australian) an estuarine and rock fish of Australia.
LUDSHIPSludships n. Plural of ludship.
LUDSHIP n. lordship, used when addressing a judge, also LUD.
LUDERICKSludericks n. Plural of luderick.
LUDERICK n. (Native Australian) an estuarine and rock fish of Australia.
LUDICALLYludically adv. In a ludic sense.
LUDIC adv. aimlessly playful.
LUDICROUSludicrous adj. Idiotic or unthinkable, often to the point of being funny; amusing by being plainly incongruous or absurd.
LUDICROUS adj. ridiculous.
LUDICROUSLYludicrously adv. In a ludicrous manner.
LUDICROUS adv. ridiculous.
LUDICROUSNESSludicrousness n. The state or quality of being ludicrous.
LUDICROUS n. ridiculous.
LUDICROUSNESSESludicrousnesses n. Plural of ludicrousness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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