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There are 17 words beginning with KEEP

KEEPkeep v. To continue in (a course or mode of action); to not intermit or fall from; to uphold or maintain.
keep v. To remain faithful to a given promise or word.
keep v. (Transitive) To hold the status of something.
KEEPABLEkeepable adj. That can be kept or is worth keeping.
keepable n. Something that can or should be kept.
KEEPABLE adj. able to be kept.
KEEPERkeeper n. One who keeps (retains) something.
keeper n. One who remains or keeps in a place or position.
keeper n. A fruit or vegetable that keeps (remains good) for some time without spoiling.
KEEPERLESSkeeperless adj. Not having a keeper; not minded; not kept.
KEEPERLESS adj. without a keeper.
KEEPERSkeepers n. Plural of keeper.
Keepers prop.n. A surname from Dutch.
Keepers prop.n. Plural of Keeper.
KEEPERSHIPkeepership n. The position of a keeper; guardianship, ownership.
KEEPERSHIP n. the office or position of a keeper.
KEEPERSHIPSkeeperships n. Plural of keepership.
KEEPERSHIP n. the office or position of a keeper.
KEEPINGkeeping n. Conformity or harmony.
keeping n. Charge or care.
keeping n. Maintenance; support; provision; feed.
KEEPINGSkeepings n. Plural of keeping.
KEEPING n. custody, ownership.
KEEPNETkeepnet n. (Nautical) A net strung on wire hoops and sealed at one end, suspended in water by anglers to keep alive…
KEEPNET n. a net for holding fish alive in a river.
KEEPNETSkeepnets n. Plural of keepnet.
KEEPNET n. a net for holding fish alive in a river.
KEEPSkeeps n. Plural of keep.
keeps n. Keeping (Can we add an example for this sense?).
keeps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of keep.
KEEPSAKEkeepsake n. Some object given by a person and retained in memory of something or someone; something kept for sentimental…
keepsake n. (Historical) Specifically, a type of literary album popular in the nineteenth-century, containing scraps…
KEEPSAKE n. a memento.
KEEPSAKESkeepsakes n. Plural of keepsake.
KEEPSAKE n. a memento.
KEEPSAKIERKEEPSAKY adj. vapidly pretty.
KEEPSAKIESTKEEPSAKY adj. vapidly pretty.
KEEPSAKYKEEPSAKY adj. vapidly pretty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 302 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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