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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 8 ten-letter words containing 2I, L, P, R and 2T

LITHOPRINTlithoprint n. A print made by lithography.
LITHOPRINT n. a print made by lithography.
PARTIALISTpartialist n. One who is partial.
partialist n. (Theology) One who holds that the atonement was made only for a part of mankind, i.e. for the elect.
PARTIALIST n. someone who is biased, partial.
PARTIALITYpartiality n. Preference, bias in favor of, tendency.
partiality n. The quality of being partial or incomplete.
PARTIALITY n. the state of being partial.
PATRIALITYpatriality n. (Britain, immigration) The right to reside in the United Kingdom, free from the constraints of immigration policy.
PATRIALITY n. the condition of being a patrial.
TRIPHYLITEtriphylite n. (Mineralogy) An orthorhombic-dipyramidal mineral containing iron, lithium, oxygen, and phosphorus.
TRIPHYLITE n. a bluish-grey rare mineral that consists of lithium iron phosphate in orthorhombic crystalline form and occurs in pegmatites.
TRIPLETAILtripletail n. Any fish of the genus Lobotes.
triple-tail n. Alternative form of tripletail (Lobotes spp.).
TRIPLETAIL n. a large marine bony fish, common on the southern and middle coasts of the United States.
TRIPLICATEtriplicate adj. Made thrice as much; threefold; tripled.
triplicate n. (Uncountable) The making of three identical copies of something.
triplicate n. (Countable) Each of a set of three identical objects or copies. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
TRIPLICITYtriplicity n. The quality or state of being triple or threefold; trebleness.
triplicity n. (Astrology) The division of the twelve signs according to the four elements.
TRIPLICITY n. the state of being triple.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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