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There are 19 words containing E, 2L, 2N, R, S and U

CARILLONNEURScarillonneurs n. Plural of carillonneur.
CARILLONNEUR n. (French) one who plays a carillon, also CARILLONIST.
DISANNULLERdisannuller n. One who disannuls.
DISANNULLER n. one who disannuls.
DISANNULLERSdisannullers n. Plural of disannuller.
DISANNULLER n. one who disannuls.
INSTRUMENTALLYinstrumentally adv. By means of an instrument or agency; as means to an end.
instrumentally adv. With instruments of music.
INSTRUMENTAL adv. nonvocal.
SLANTENDICULARslantendicular adj. (Archaic, dialect) oblique; indirect.
SLANTENDICULAR adj. oblique; neither horizontal nor perpendicular, also SLANTINDICULAR.
SUPERNATIONALLYsupernationally adv. In a way that spans nations; above or beyond what is national.
SUPERNATIONAL adv. overriding national sovereignty; in or belonging to more than one nation.
TRANSILLUMINATEtransilluminate v. To pass light easily through an object, body part, or liquid.
TRANSILLUMINATE v. to pass light through, esp. through body for medical examination.
TRANSLUCENTLYtranslucently adv. In a translucent way.
TRANSLUCENT adv. imperfectly transparent, also TRANSLUCID.
TRANSLUMENALTRANSLUMENAL adj. (of a surgical procedure) performed within a blood vessel, duct, or cavity, also TRANSLUMINAL.
TUNNELLERStunnellers n. Plural of tunneller.
TUNNELLER n. one who tunnels, also TUNNELER.
UNALTERABLENESSunalterableness n. The quality or state of not being alterable.
UNALTERABLENESS n. the state of being unalterable.
UNDERSELLINGunderselling v. Present participle of undersell.
UNDERSELL v. to sell too cheap.
UNRAVELLINGSunravellings n. Plural of unravelling.
UNRAVELLING n. the act of unravelling.
UNRELIABLENESSunreliableness n. Unreliability.
UNRELIABLENESS n. the state of being unreliable.
UNSPLINTERABLEunsplinterable adj. Resistant to being splintered.
UNSPLINTERABLE adj. not capable of being splintered.
UNTRANSLATABLEuntranslatable adj. Not able to be translated.
untranslatable n. A word or phrase that is impossible to translate satisfactorily from one language to another.
UNTRANSLATABLE adj. not translatable.
UNWORLDLINESSunworldliness n. The characteristic of being unworldly.
UNWORLDLINESS n. the state of being unworldly.
UNWORLDLINESSESunworldlinesses n. Plural of unworldliness.
UNWORLDLINESS n. the state of being unworldly.
VULNERABLENESSvulnerableness n. The quality, state, or condition of being vulnerable; vulnerability.
VULNERABLENESS n. the state of being vulnerable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 676 words
  • Scrabble in French: 262 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 45 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 69 words

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