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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing 2E, I, M, 2P and T

APPETISEMENTAPPETISEMENT n. the state of being appetising.
APPRAISEMENTappraisement n. (Dated) The act of appraising.
APPRAISEMENT n. the act of appraising.
EPILEPTIFORMepileptiform adj. Of or pertaining to epilepsy, or resembling epilepsy, particularly in regard to its associated seizures.
EPILEPTIFORM adj. resembling that of epilepsy.
IMPERCEPTIONimperception n. Lack of perception; failure to perceive.
IMPERCEPTION n. lack of perception.
IMPERCEPTIVEimperceptive adj. Unable to perceive.
IMPERCEPTIVE adj. not perceptive.
IMPERCIPIENTimpercipient adj. Lacking perception; unable to perceive.
IMPERCIPIENT adj. unperceptive.
MICROPIPETTEmicropipette n. A very small pipette.
micropipette v. To transfer or measure the volume of a liquid using a micropipette.
MICROPIPETTE n. a very fine pipette, also MICROPIPET.
MUCOPEPTIDESmucopeptides n. Plural of mucopeptide.
MUCOPEPTIDE n. another name for peptidoglycan.
PEREMPTORILYperemptorily adv. In a peremptory manner; in a commanding tone, brooking no delay.
PEREMPTORY adv. putting an end to or precluding a right of action, debate, or delay.
PERPETUALISMPERPETUALISM n. a belief in the perpetual continuance of things.
PREECLAMPTICpreeclamptic adj. Of or pertaining to preeclampsia.
preeclamptic adj. Before eclampsia.
preeclamptic n. An individual who has preeclampsia.
PREEMPTIVELYpreemptively adv. In a preemptive manner.
preëmptively adv. Rare spelling of preemptively.
pre-emptively adv. Alternative spelling of preemptively.
PREEXEMPTINGPREEXEMPT v. to exempt beforehand.
PTERIDOSPERMpteridosperm n. Any of various extinct gymnosperms, of the division Pteridospermatophyta, resembling ferns, but producing…
PTERIDOSPERM n. an extinct group of seed plants which bore fernlike leaves.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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