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There are 15 words containing D, I, R, 3S, T and Y

DYSCRASITESDYSCRASITE n. a mineral consisting of antimony and silver.
HYDRASTISESHYDRASTIS n. any of various Japanese and North American plants, such as goldenseal, having showy foliage and ornamental red fruits.
DISASTROUSLYdisastrously adv. In a disastrous way. (Of the nature of a disaster; calamitously.)
DISASTROUS adv. attended by or causing suffering or disaster.
DISSYMMETRIESdissymmetries n. Plural of dissymmetry.
DISSYMMETRY n. the absence of or the lack of symmetry.
DISTRESSFULLYdistressfully adv. In a distressful way; showing distress.
DISTRESSFUL adv. causing distress.
DISTRESSINGLYdistressingly adv. In a distressing manner; so as to cause distress.
DISTRESSING adv. causing anxiety or suffering to.
HEADMISTRESSYheadmistressy adj. Resembling or characteristic of a headmistress.
HEADMISTRESSY adj. like a headmistress, bossy.
RESYNTHESISEDresynthesised v. Simple past tense and past participle of resynthesise.
RESYNTHESISE v. to synthesise again, also RESYNTHESIZE.
PERISSODACTYLSperissodactyls n. Plural of perissodactyl.
PERISSODACTYL n. an animal of the Perissodactyla, a division of ungulates with an odd number of toes, including the horse, tapir and rhinoceros, also PERISSODACTYLE.
DISSATISFACTORYdissatisfactory adj. Causing dissatisfaction.
DISSATISFACTORY adj. causing dissatisfaction.
HYPERSENSITISEDhypersensitised v. Simple past tense and past participle of hypersensitise.
HYPERSENSITISE v. to make hypersensitive, also HYPERSENSITIZE.
PERISSODACTYLESPERISSODACTYLE n. an animal of the Perissodactyla, a division of ungulates with an odd number of toes, including the horse, tapir and rhinoceros, also PERISSODACTYL.
STRONGYLOIDOSESstrongyloidoses n. Plural of strongyloidosis.
STRONGYLOIDOSIS n. an intestinal disease caused by infestation with a type of threadworm.
STRONGYLOIDOSISstrongyloidosis n. (Pathology) A disease caused by infection by roundworms of the superfamily Strongyloidea.
STRONGYLOIDOSIS n. an intestinal disease caused by infestation with a type of threadworm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 271 words
  • Scrabble in French: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 11 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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