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There are 12 words containing C, G, 2H, I, S and U

BUSHWHACKINGbushwhacking n. Travelling through thick wooded country, cutting away scrub to make progress.
bushwhacking n. Fighting, as a guerilla, especially in wooded country.
bushwhacking n. Criticizing, by someone or a person(s), on policies and stances by George W. Bush, in forums and discussions.
BUSHWHACKINGSbushwhackings n. Plural of bushwhacking.
BUSHWHACKING n. the act of shooting someone from ambush.
CHINCOUGHSchincoughs n. Plural of chincough.
chin␣coughs n. Plural of chin cough.
CHINCOUGH n. whooping cough.
CHURCHGOINGSchurchgoings n. Plural of churchgoing.
CHURCHGOING n. attending church.
CHURCHINGSchurchings n. Plural of churching.
CHURCHING n. a church ceremony given to women after childbirth.
DISCHURCHINGdischurching v. Present participle of dischurch.
DISCHURCH v. (obsolete) to deprive of church rank or privileges.
HICCOUGHShiccoughs n. Plural of hiccough.
HICCOUGH v. to make a peculiar-sounding spasmodic inhalation, also HICCUP.
ICHTHYOPHAGOUSichthyophagous adj. (Biology) feeding on fish.
ICHTHYOPHAGOUS adj. fish-eating.
SCHIZOGNATHOUSschizognathous adj. (Zoology) having the maxillopalatine bones separate from each other and from the vomer, which is pointed…
SCHIZOGNATHOUS adj. of some birds, having the bones of the palate separate.
SHAUCHLINGshauchling v. Present participle of shauchle.
shauchling adj. Shambling.
SHAUCHLE v. (Scots) to shuffle.
SHEUCHINGSHEUCH v. (Scots) to plant temporarily, also SHEUGH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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