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There are 9 words containing C, 2E, F, I, T and X

CEFTRIAXONEceftriaxone n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic cephalosporin antibiotic.
CEFTRIAXONESSorry, definition not available.
EXEMPLIFICATIONexemplification n. The act of exemplifying; a showing or illustrating by example.
exemplification n. That which exemplifies; a case in point; example.
exemplification n. (Law) A copy or transcript attested to be correct by the seal of an officer having custody of the original.
EXEMPLIFICATIVEexemplificative adj. Serving as an example; illustrative.
EXEMPLIFICATIVE adj. serving to exemplify.
EXSUFFLICATEexsufflicate adj. Empty, inflated, frivolous.
EXSUFFLICATE adj. (Shakespeare) puffed out, trifling.
EXTENSIFICATIONextensification n. The process of making something (more) extensive.
extensification n. The geographic spread and distribution of any technology, especially agriculture.
EXTENSIFICATION n. an agricultural policy within the European Union by which land is farmed less intensively and savings made in expenditure on feed, fertilizers and pesticides to balance lower production.
FLEXECUTIVEflexecutive n. An executive or other professional who works flexible hours, sometimes from home via the Internet.
FLEXECUTIVE n. a professional whose use of information technology allows them to be flexible in where and when they work.
FLEXECUTIVESflexecutives n. Plural of flexecutive.
FLEXECUTIVE n. a professional whose use of information technology allows them to be flexible in where and when they work.
FLEXICURITIESFLEXICURITY n. labor practices that give companies the flexibility to fire workers as needed and offer fired workers the security of government-backed benefits and retraining opportunities.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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