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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing C, G, L, O, P and 2R

CARTOGRAPHICALcartographical adj. Pertaining to cartography.
CHALCOGRAPHERSchalcographers n. Plural of chalcographer.
CHALCOGRAPHER n. one who practises chalcography, the art of engraving on copper or brass.
CHIROGRAPHICALchirographical adj. Chirographic.
CHIROGRAPHICAL adj. relating to handwriting, also CHIROGRAPHIC.
CHOROGRAPHICALchorographical adj. Pertaining to chorography.
CHOROGRAPHICAL adj. relating to chorography, the description and mapping of particular regions or districts, also CHOROGRAPHIC.
COMPURGATORIALcompurgatorial adj. Relating to a compurgator or to compurgation.
COMPURGATORIAL adj. relating to compurgation, the clearing of an accused person by means of oaths.
CORPOREALISINGcorporealising v. Present participle of corporealise.
CORPOREALISE v. to make corporeal, also CORPOREALIZE.
CORPOREALIZINGcorporealizing v. Present participle of corporealize.
CORPOREALIZE v. to make corporeal, also CORPOREALISE.
DACTYLOGRAPHERDACTYLOGRAPHER n. one who studies fingerprints.
ELECTROGRAPHICelectrographic adj. Of or relating to a technology that translates pencil marks on paper into punched cards.
electrographic adj. Relating to electrically-powered signage that shows illuminated images.
ELECTROGRAPHIC adj. relating to electrography.
HIEROGRAPHICALhierographical adj. Alternative form of hierographic.
HIEROGRAPHICAL adj. related to sacred writing, also HIEROGRAPHIC.
HYDROGRAPHICALhydrographical adj. Hydrographic.
HYDROGRAPHICAL adj. relating to hydrography, the study of bodies of water, also HYDROGRAPHIC.
HYGROGRAPHICALHYGROGRAPHICAL adj. relating to the measurement of the air's humidity, also HYGROGRAPHIC.
LEXICOGRAPHERSlexicographers n. Plural of lexicographer.
LEXICOGRAPHER n. an author or editor of a dictionary.
OROGRAPHICALLYorographically adv. In terms of or by means of orography.
OROGRAPHICAL adv. relating to orography, the description of mountains, also OROGRAPHIC.
ORTHOGRAPHICALorthographical adj. Of, or relating to orthography or spelling.
orthographical adj. Spelled correctly.
orthographical adj. (Cartography) Orthographic.
PETROGRAPHICALpetrographical adj. Alternative form of petrographic.
PETROGRAPHICAL adj. relating to petrography, also PETROGRAPHIC.
PTERYLOGRAPHICpterylographic adj. Relating to pterylography.
PTERYLOGRAPHIC adj. relating to pterylography.
REFLECTOGRAPHSreflectographs n. Plural of reflectograph.
REFLECTOGRAPH n. an image produced by reflectography.
REFLECTOGRAPHYreflectography n. An infrared technique used by art historians to detect layers beneath the top surface of a painting…
REFLECTOGRAPHY n. a technique used to detect underdrawing, etc. in a painting, in which infrared light is bounced off the lowest, gessoed layer and the resulting image viewed on a TV monitor.
URANOGRAPHICALuranographical adj. Relating to uranography.
URANOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to uranography, descriptive astronomy and mapping, also URANOGRAPHIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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