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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing C, I, 3S and U

COULISSEScoulisses n. Plural of coulisse.
COULISSE n. (French) a piece of timber having a groove in which something glides.
CUIRASSEScuirasses n. Plural of cuirass.
cuirasses n. Plural of cuirasse.
CUIRASS v. to cover with a breastplate.
CUSHINESScushiness n. The quality of being cushy.
CUSHINESS n. the state of being cushy.
DISCURSUSdiscursus n. (Logic) argumentation; ratiocination; discursive reasoning.
DISCURSUS n. (Latin) argumentation; ratiocination; discursive reasoning.
DISCUSSEDdiscussed v. Simple past tense and past participle of discuss.
DISCUSS v. to talk over.
DISCUSSERdiscusser n. A person who discusses.
DISCUSSER n. one who discusses.
DISCUSSESdiscusses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of discuss.
DISCUSS v. to talk over.
ISSUANCESissuances n. Plural of issuance.
ISSUANCE n. the act of giving out, issuing.
MUSICLESSmusicless adj. Without music.
MUSICLESS adj. without music.
NARCISSUSnarcissus n. Any of several bulbous flowering plants, of the genus Narcissus, having white or yellow cup- or trumpet-shaped…
narcissus n. A beautiful young man, like the mythological Greek Narcissus.
Narcissus prop.n. (Greek mythology) A youth who spurned the love of Echo and fell in love with his own reflection in a…
REDISCUSSrediscuss v. To discuss again.
REDISCUSS v. to discuss again.
SAUCINESSsauciness n. The property of being saucy.
sauciness n. An instance of saucy behavior.
SAUCINESS n. the state of being saucy.
SAUCISSESsaucisses n. Plural of saucisse.
SAUCISSE n. (French) a long canvas tube filled with powder for use as a fuse, e.g. when firing a mine, also SAUCISSON.
SAUCISSONsaucisson n. A saucisse.
SAUCISSON n. (French) a long canvas tube filled with powder for use as a fuse, e.g. when firing a mine, also SAUCISSE.
SCHISTOUSschistous adj. (Geology) Schistose.
SCHISTOUS adj. of or pertaining to schist; having the structure of a schist, also SCHISTOSE.
SCHUSSINGschussing v. Present participle of schuss.
schussing n. Fast downhill skiing.
SCHUSS v. (German) to make a fast, straight run in skiing.
SCISSURESscissures n. Plural of scissure.
SCISSURE n. a lengthwise cut.
SUCKINESSsuckiness n. (Slang) The state or condition of being sucky; inferiority or badness.
SUCKINESS n. the quality of being sucky.
SUITCASESsuitcases n. Plural of suitcase.
SUITCASE n. a piece of luggage for transporting possessions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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