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There are 10 words containing B, C, D, 2E, F and K

FEEDBACKfeedback n. Critical assessment of a process or activity or of their results.
feedback n. (Electronics, cybernetics, control theory) The part of an output signal that is looped back into the…
feedback n. (Amplification) The high-pitched howling noise heard when there is a loop between a microphone and a speaker.
BEFLECKEDbeflecked v. Simple past tense and past participle of befleck.
BEFLECK v. to cover with flecks.
FEEDBACKSfeedbacks n. (Proscribed) plural of feedback.
feedbacks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of feedback.
FEEDBACK n. a return of ideas for future development.
FACEBOOKEDFacebooked v. Simple past tense and past participle of Facebook.
FACEBOOK v. to look for someone's profile on Facebook.
BIOFEEDBACKbiofeedback n. A technique consisting of measuring a person’s quantifiable bodily functions, such as blood pressure…
BIOFEEDBACK n. a technique for learning control of autonomic body functions in response to monitoring by electronic instruments such as an electrocardiograph.
BIOFEEDBACKSbiofeedbacks n. Plural of biofeedback.
BIOFEEDBACK n. a technique for learning control of autonomic body functions in response to monitoring by electronic instruments such as an electrocardiograph.
BRICKFIELDERbrickfielder n. (Australia) A hot, dry, dusty wind of southern or central Australia.
BRICKFIELDER n. a hot dry wind in Australia.
BRICKFIELDERSbrickfielders n. Plural of brickfielder.
BRICKFIELDER n. a hot dry wind in Australia.
NEUROFEEDBACKneurofeedback n. The presentation of realtime feedback on brainwave activity, as measured by sensors on the scalp, sometimes…
NEUROFEEDBACK n. a therapy technique that presents the user with realtime feedback on brainwave activity.
NEUROFEEDBACKSNEUROFEEDBACK n. a therapy technique that presents the user with realtime feedback on brainwave activity.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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