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There are 13 words containing 2B, 2E, H, L and U

HUMBLEBEEhumblebee n. (Obsolete) A bumblebee.
humble-bee n. Alternative spelling of humblebee.
HUMBLEBEE n. a bumblebee.
BLUEBUSHESBLUEBUSH n. an Australian blue-grey shrub.
BUBBLEHEADbubblehead n. (Slang) A stupid person.
bubblehead n. (Slang) A submariner; bubble-head.
bubblehead n. (Slang) A navy hard hat or salvage diver (inspired by the shape of the old spun-copper diving helmet).
HUMBLEBEEShumblebees n. Plural of humblebee.
humble-bees n. Plural of humble-bee.
HUMBLEBEE n. a bumblebee.
BUBBLEHEADSbubbleheads n. Plural of bubblehead.
bubble-heads n. Plural of bubble-head.
BUBBLEHEAD n. a flighty, frivolous woman.
BEQUEATHABLEbequeathable adj. Capable of being bequeathed.
BEQUEATHABLE adj. capable of being bequeathed.
BUBBLEHEADEDbubbleheaded adj. (Informal) Stupid; vacuous.
BUBBLEHEADED adj. frivolous, flighty.
HOBBLEBUSHEShobblebushes n. Plural of hobblebush.
hobble-bushes n. Plural of hobble-bush.
HOBBLEBUSH n. a low American bush having long, straggling branches and handsome flowers.
UNBREACHABLEunbreachable adj. Impossible to breach.
UNBREACHABLE adj. that cannot be breached.
UNBREATHABLEunbreathable adj. Not suitable for breathing.
unbreathable adj. Not letting air seep through.
UNBREATHABLE adj. not fit for being breathed.
BOTTLEBRUSHESbottlebrushes n. Plural of bottlebrush.
bottle␣brushes n. Plural of bottle brush.
BOTTLEBRUSH n. an Australian flower.
BRITTLEBUSHESbrittlebushes n. Plural of brittlebush.
HUMBLEBRAGGEDhumblebragged v. Simple past tense and past participle of humblebrag.
HUMBLEBRAG v. to make a statement that purports to be self-effacing but in fact reveals a person's wealth or importance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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