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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing B, C, N, S, 2T and U

CELEBUTANTEScelebutantes n. Plural of celebutante.
CELEBUTANTE n. a young woman from a wealthy background who becomes a celebrity.
CONCUBITANTSCONCUBITANT n. someone of a suitable age for marriage.
CONTRIBUTORScontributors n. Plural of contributor.
CONTRIBUTOR n. one who contributes.
COUNTERBLASTcounterblast n. A work that strongly refutes or criticises another.
COUNTERBLAST n. a defiant pronouncement or denunciation.
INSTRUCTIBLEinstructible adj. Capable of being instructed; teachable.
INSTRUCTIBLE adj. that can be instructed.
NOCTAMBULISTnoctambulist n. (Rare) One who sleepwalks at night; a somnambulist.
NOCTAMBULIST n. a sleepwalker, a somnambulist.
OBSCURANTISTobscurantist n. A practitioner of obscurantism; an obscurant.
obscurantist adj. Of or relating to obscurantism.
OBSCURANTIST n. one who employs deliberate obscurity.
OBSTRUCTIONSobstructions n. Plural of obstruction.
OBSTRUCTION n. the state of being obstructed.
SUBANTARCTICsubantarctic adj. Pertaining to a region in the Southern Hemisphere immediately north of Antarctica and covering the many…
SUBANTARCTIC adj. of, relating to, characteristic of, or being a region just outside the antarctic circle.
SUBCONTINENTsubcontinent n. A large landmass which is either smaller than a continent (such as Greenland), or part of an even larger…
subcontinent prop.n. The Indian subcontinent, South Asia.
Subcontinent prop.n. Alternative letter-case form of subcontinent (“the Indian subcontinent”).
SUBCONTRACTSsubcontracts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of subcontract.
SUBCONTRACT n. a contract between a party to an original contract and a third party.
SUBSTRACTINGsubstracting v. Present participle of substract.
SUBSTRACT v. to subtract; to withdraw, also SUBTRACT.
SUBSTRACTIONsubstraction n. (Obsolete or non-native speakers’ English) Subtraction.
SUBSTRACTION n. subtraction, also SUBTRACTION.
SUBSTRUCTINGsubstructing v. Present participle of substruct.
SUBSTRUCT v. to build beneath; to lay as a foundation.
SUBSTRUCTIONsubstruction n. (Architecture) underbuilding; the foundation, or any preliminary structure intended to raise the lower…
SUBSTRUCTION n. an underlying structure.
SUBTRACTIONSsubtractions n. Plural of subtraction.
SUBTRACTION n. the act of subtracting, also SUBSTRACTION.
UNOBSTRUCTEDunobstructed adj. Not obstructed.
unobstructed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unobstruct.
UNOBSTRUCTED adj. not obstructed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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