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There are 18 words containing 2B, H, S and 2U

HUBBUBShubbubs n. Plural of hubbub.
hub-bubs n. Plural of hub-bub.
HUBBUB n. a confused sound of many voices, also HUBBUBOO, WHOOBUB.
BLUEBUSHBLUEBUSH n. an Australian blue-grey shrub.
BUSHBUCKbushbuck n. Either of two species of antelope (Tragelaphus scriptus or Tragelaphus sylvaticus, considered by some…
bushbuck n. (Informal) Any relatives of the above that share the same habitat.
BUSHBUCK n. a small South African antelope, also BOSBOK, BOSCHBOK, BOSHBOK.
SUBSHRUBsubshrub n. A low-growing woody shrub or perennial with woody base.
SUBSHRUB n. a low shrub.
BUCKBRUSHbuckbrush n. Any of various North American shrubs that deer feed on…
BUCKBRUSH n. an American shrub.
BUSHBUCKSbushbucks n. Plural of bushbuck.
BUSHBUCK n. a small South African antelope, also BOSBOK, BOSCHBOK, BOSHBOK.
HUBBUBOOShubbuboos n. Plural of hubbuboo.
HUBBUBOO n. a confused sound of many voices, also HUBBUB, WHOOBUB.
SUBSHRUBSsubshrubs n. Plural of subshrub.
SUBSHRUB n. a low shrub.
BEAUTYBUSHbeauty␣bush n. Linnaea amabilis, a deciduous flowering shrub in the family Caprifoliaceae.
BLUEBUSHESBLUEBUSH n. an Australian blue-grey shrub.
BUTTONBUSHbuttonbush n. Any of the genus Cephalanthus of flowering plants in the madder family.
buttonbush n. Any of the genus Conocarpus of two species of tropical flowering plants; a mangrove.
BUTTONBUSH n. a North American shrub of the madder family with globular flower heads.
SUBSHRUBBYsubshrubby adj. Being or resembling a subshrub.
SUBSHRUBBY adj. like a subshrub, a low shrub.
UNSHRUBBEDunshrubbed adj. Without shrubs.
UNSHRUBBED adj. being without shrubs, also UNSHRUBD.
BUCKBRUSHESbuckbrushes n. Plural of buckbrush.
BUCKBRUSH n. an American shrub.
BEAUTYBUSHESbeauty␣bushes n. Plural of beauty bush.
BUTTONBUSHESbuttonbushes n. Plural of buttonbush.
BUTTONBUSH n. a North American shrub of the madder family with globular flower heads.
BULBOPHYLLUMSSorry, definition not available.
UNPUBLISHABLEunpublishable adj. Not suitable for publication.
UNPUBLISHABLE adj. that cannot be published.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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