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There are 16 words containing A, E, 3L, O, S and U

MALLEOLUSmalleolus n. (Anatomy) The bony prominence with a shape likened to a hammerhead, especially each of those at the…
MALLEOLUS n. (Latin) a rounded bony projection on either side of the ankle.
MALLEOLUSESmalleoluses n. Plural of malleolus.
MALLEOLUS n. (Latin) a rounded bony projection on either side of the ankle.
COUNSELLABLEcounsellable adj. (Obsolete) Willing to receive counsel or follow advice.
counsellable adj. (Obsolete) advisable; prudent.
COUNSELLABLE adj. able to be counselled, also COUNSELABLE.
HELLACIOUSLYhellaciously adv. In a hellacious manner.
HELLACIOUS adv. exceptionally powerful or violent.
MARVELLOUSLYmarvellously adv. In a marvellous manner.
marvellously adv. To a great or impressive degree; very.
MARVELLOUS adv. astonishing, very pleasing, also MARVELOUS.
PSEUDOALLELEpseudoallele n. (Genetics) Either of the two genes involved in pseudoallelism.
PSEUDOALLELE n. a false allele.
PSEUDOALLELESpseudoalleles n. Plural of pseudoallele.
PSEUDOALLELE n. a false allele.
COLLOQUIALNESScolloquialness n. The state or quality of being colloquial.
COLLOQUIALNESS n. the quality of being colloquial.
EULOGISTICALLYeulogistically adv. In the form or manner of a eulogy; with praise.
EULOGISTICAL adv. of or like a eulogy, also EULOGISTIC.
FLAGELLIFEROUSflagelliferous adj. Bearing a flagellum.
FLAGELLIFEROUS adj. bearing a whip or flagellum.
UNCOLLECTABLESUNCOLLECTABLES n. things that are not collectable.
COLLOQUIALITIEScolloquialities n. Plural of colloquiality.
COLLOQUIALITY n. the quality of being colloquial.
EBULLIOSCOPICALebullioscopical adj. Alternative form of ebullioscopic.
EBULLIOSCOPICAL adj. relating to an ebullioscope, an instrument for measuring the boiling point of liquids, also EBULLIOSCOPIC.
MEDULLOBLASTOMAmedulloblastoma n. (Oncology) A malignant type of brain tumour that originates in the cerebellum.
MEDULLOBLASTOMA n. a malignant tumor of the central nervous system arising in the cerebellum esp. in children.
MISCELLANEOUSLYmiscellaneously adv. In a miscellaneous manner.
MISCELLANEOUS adv. consisting of diverse things or members.
MUSCULOSKELETALmusculoskeletal adj. Of, or relating to both muscles and the skeleton.
MUSCULOSKELETAL adj. of, relating to, or involving both musculature and skeleton.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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