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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, E, I, M, N, R, S and U

ANEURISMSaneurisms n. Plural of aneurism.
ANEURISM n. dilatation of an artery, also ANEURYSM.
ANTISERUMantiserum n. (Medicine) A serum prepared from human or animal sources containing antibodies able to counter certain…
ANTISERUM n. a serum containing antibodies, usually for a particular antigen.
GERANIUMSgeraniums n. Plural of geranium.
GERANIUM n. a plant of the genus Geranium with seed vessels like a crane's bill.
HUMANISERhumaniser n. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of humanizer.
HUMANISER n. something or someone that humanises, also HUMANIZER.
LEMURIANSLemurians n. Plural of Lemurian.
LEMURIAN n. a member of the lemur family, also LEMURINE, LEMUROID.
MANICURESmanicures n. Plural of manicure.
manicures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of manicure.
MANICURE v. to have the hands and nails treated professionally.
MEASURINGmeasuring v. Present participle and gerund of measure.
measuring n. Act of measurement.
MEASURING n. the act of taking a measurement.
MISAUNTERMISAUNTER n. (Scots) an unlucky chance, a misfortune, also MISCHANTER, MISHANTER.
MURAENIDSmuraenids n. Plural of muraenid.
MURAENID n. an eel of the family Muraenidae.
MUSCARINEmuscarine n. (Biochemistry) An extremely poisonous alkaloid, obtained from fly agaric, that disrupts the action of…
MUSCARINE n. a poisonous alkaloid in fly agaric.
NURSEMAIDnursemaid n. A woman or girl employed to care for children.
nursemaid v. To tend to as a nursemaid.
nursemaid v. (Colloquial) To care for or look after.
RAMEQUINSramequins n. Plural of ramequin.
RAMEQUIN n. a small casserole dish in which cheese souffle, eggs etc. are served, also RAMAKIN, RAMEKIN.
RUMINATESruminates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ruminate.
RUMINATE v. to chew again.
SEMILUNARsemilunar adj. Shaped like a half-moon; crescent-shaped.
semilunar n. (Anatomy) The lunate bone, or semilunar bone.
SEMILUNAR adj. shaped like a half moon.
SEMIURBANsemiurban adj. Partially urban.
SEMIURBAN adj. somewhat urban.
SUBMARINEsubmarine adj. Existing, relating to, or made for use beneath the sea.
submarine adj. Hidden or undisclosed.
submarine adj. (Baseball) Of a pitch, thrown with the hand lower than the elbow.
UNIRAMOSEuniramose adj. (Zoology) Synonym of uniramous.
UNIRAMOSE adj. esp. of the appendages of crustaceans, consisting of a single branch, also UNIRAMOUS.
UNMARRIESunmarries v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unmarry.
UNMARRY v. to dissolve the marriage of.
UNREALISMunrealism n. The opposite of realism.
UNREALISM n. lack of realism.
URINEMIASurinemias n. Plural of urinemia.
URINEMIA n. an abnormal condition of the blood, also UREMIA, URAEMIA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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