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There are 19 words containing A, B, E, 3L and 2O

BALNEOLOGICALbalneological adj. Of or pertaining to balneology.
BALNEOLOGICAL adj. related to balneology, the science of the therapeutic use of baths.
BIOECOLOGICALLYbioecologically adv. In terms of bioecology.
BIOECOLOGICAL adv. related to bioecology.
BOLOMETRICALLYbolometrically adv. By means of, or in terms of, bolometry.
BOLOMETRIC adv. relating to bolometry, measurement of radiant energy.
COLLABORATIVELYcollaboratively adv. Characterized or done by collaboration.
COLLABORATIVE adv. of the nature of collaboration.
COLLEMBOLANcollembolan n. Any insect of the order Collembola, the springtails.
COLLEMBOLAN n. a springtail, any one of numerous species of small apterous insects belonging to the order Thysanura.
COLLEMBOLANScollembolans n. Plural of collembolan.
COLLEMBOLAN n. a springtail, any one of numerous species of small apterous insects belonging to the order Thysanura.
CONTROLLABLEcontrollable adj. Able to be controlled; subject to regulation or command.
controllable n. (Business) Any factor that can be controlled.
CONTROLLABLE adj. able to be controlled.
EBULLIOSCOPICALebullioscopical adj. Alternative form of ebullioscopic.
EBULLIOSCOPICAL adj. relating to an ebullioscope, an instrument for measuring the boiling point of liquids, also EBULLIOSCOPIC.
EMBRYOLOGICALLYembryologically adv. Regarding embryology.
EMBRYOLOGICAL adv. relating to embryology, also EMBRYOLOGIC.
FOLLOWABLEfollowable adj. Able to be followed.
FOLLOWABLE adj. that can be followed.
INCONTROLLABLEincontrollable adj. (Archaic) uncontrollable.
INCONTROLLABLE adj. not controllable, also UNCONTROLLABLE.
MEDULLOBLASTOMAmedulloblastoma n. (Oncology) A malignant type of brain tumour that originates in the cerebellum.
MEDULLOBLASTOMA n. a malignant tumor of the central nervous system arising in the cerebellum esp. in children.
MONOSYLLABLEmonosyllable n. A word of one syllable.
monosyllable n. (UK, slang, obsolete) A euphemism for the word cunt.
MONOSYLLABLE n. a word of one syllable.
MONOSYLLABLESmonosyllables n. Plural of monosyllable.
MONOSYLLABLE n. a word of one syllable.
NONCONTROLLABLEnoncontrollable adj. Not controllable.
NONCONTROLLABLE adj. not controllable.
OCTOSYLLABLEoctosyllable n. (Poetry) line of verse with eight syllables.
OCTOSYLLABLE n. a word or line of eight syllables.
OCTOSYLLABLESoctosyllables n. Plural of octosyllable.
OCTOSYLLABLE n. a word or line of eight syllables.
PALEOBIOLOGICALpaleobiological adj. Of or pertaining to paleobiology.
PALEOBIOLOGICAL adj. relating to paleobiology, also PALEOBIOLOGIC.
UNCONTROLLABLEuncontrollable adj. Not able to be controlled, contained or governed.
UNCONTROLLABLE adj. incapable of being controlled, also INCONTROLLABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 358 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 43 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 111 words

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