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There are 20 words containing A, D, G, 2H, R and S

HIGHROADShighroads n. Plural of highroad.
high␣roads n. Plural of high road.
HIGHROAD n. a highway; a much travelled or main road.
HODOGRAPHShodographs n. Plural of hodograph.
HODOGRAPH n. a curve of which the radius vector represents the velocity of a moving particle.
CHARGEHANDSchargehands n. Plural of chargehand.
charge-hands n. Plural of charge-hand.
charge␣hands n. Plural of charge hand.
HIGHLANDERShighlanders n. Plural of highlander.
Highlanders n. Plural of Highlander.
HIGHLANDER n. an inhabitant of a highland.
HYDROGRAPHShydrographs n. Plural of hydrograph.
HYDROGRAPH n. a graph of variation of stream flow over time.
SHADOWGRAPHshadowgraph n. A shadow-picture; a radiograph or X-ray photograph; a sciagram.
shadowgraph n. (Physics) An optical technique of visualizing patterns of fluid flow by using differences in refractive index.
shadowgraph v. (Transitive) To outline in a shadow-picture on a screen.
HEADBOROUGHSheadboroughs n. Plural of headborough.
HEADBOROUGH n. (historical) the head of a frankpledge, tithing, or decennary; a petty constable.
SHADOWGRAPHSshadowgraphs n. Plural of shadowgraph.
SHADOWGRAPH n. an image produced by throwing a shadow on a screen.
SHADOWGRAPHYshadowgraphy n. The creation of shadowgraph images.
shadowgraphy n. The selective blocking of a light source in order to produce the silhouettes of animals, etc. as a form…
SHADOWGRAPHY n. the making of images by shadowgraph.
SHAREHOLDINGshareholding adj. Owning shares.
shareholding n. The owning of shares.
shareholding n. The amount of capital held as shares.
SHORTCHANGEDshortchanged v. Simple past tense and past participle of shortchange.
short-changed v. Simple past tense and past participle of short-change.
short␣changed v. Simple past tense and past participle of short change.
CATHODOGRAPHScathodographs n. Plural of cathodograph.
CATHODOGRAPH n. a photograph created using X-rays.
DAUGHTERHOODSDAUGHTERHOOD n. the state of being a daughter.
HYDROGRAPHERShydrographers n. Plural of hydrographer.
HYDROGRAPHER n. a student of hydrography.
HYDROGRAPHIEShydrographies n. Plural of hydrography.
HYDROGRAPHY n. the study of bodies of water.
SHAREHOLDINGSshareholdings n. Plural of shareholding.
SHAREHOLDING n. the act of holding shares.
SHADOWGRAPHIESshadowgraphies n. Plural of shadowgraphy.
SHADOWGRAPHY n. the making of images by shadowgraph.
CATHODOGRAPHERSCATHODOGRAPHER n. one who takes photographs created using X-rays.
CATHODOGRAPHIESCATHODOGRAPHY n. the taking of photographs created using X-rays.
DRAUGHTSMANSHIPdraughtsmanship n. UK standard spelling of draftsmanship.
DRAUGHTSMANSHIP n. the craft of draughtsman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 482 words
  • Scrabble in French: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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