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There are 17 words containing 2A, G, I, L, R and X

CARBOXYLATINGcarboxylating v. Present participle of carboxylate.
CARBOXYLATE v. to introduce carboxyl or carbon dioxide into (a compound) with formation of a carboxylic acid.
DECARBOXYLATINGdecarboxylating v. Present participle of decarboxylate.
DECARBOXYLATE v. to remove carbon dioxide from its substrate.
EXAGGERATINGLYexaggeratingly adv. In an exaggerating manner.
EXAGGERATING adv. EXAGGERATE, to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth.
EXASPERATINGLYexasperatingly adv. In an exasperating manner; frustratingly.
EXASPERATING adv. exciting the anger of.
EXHILARATINGexhilarating v. Present participle of exhilarate.
exhilarating adj. Refreshingly thrilling.
EXHILARATE v. to make cheerful and excited.
EXHILARATINGLYexhilaratingly adv. In a way that exhilarates.
EXHILARATING adv. EXHILARATE, to make cheerful and excited.
EXPURGATORIALexpurgatorial adj. Tending or serving to expurgate; expurgatory.
EXPURGATORIAL adj. tending to expurgate or purify, also EXPURGATORY.
EXTRAGALACTICextragalactic adj. (Astronomy) Originating outside of the Milky Way galaxy.
extragalactic adj. (Astronomy) Originating outside of any galaxy.
extragalactic adj. (Science fiction) Originating outside of the local galaxy.
EXTRALOGICALextralogical adj. Outside of the domain of logic.
EXTRALOGICAL adj. not guided or determined by considerations of logic.
EXTRAPOLATINGextrapolating v. Present participle of extrapolate.
EXTRAPOLATE v. to infer (values of a variable in an unobserved interval) from values within an already observed interval.
LEXICOGRAPHICALlexicographical adj. Relating to lexicography.
lexicographical adj. Meeting lexicographical standards or requirements; worthy of being included in a dictionary.
LEXICOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to lexicography, also LEXICOGRAPHIC.
LEXIGRAPHICALlexigraphical adj. Misspelling of lexicographical.
LEXIGRAPHICAL adj. relating to lexigraphy, the art of the definition of words, also LEXIGRAPHIC.
PARADOXOLOGIESparadoxologies n. Plural of paradoxology.
PARADOXOLOGY n. the holding or maintaining of paradoxes.
PRAXEOLOGICALpraxeological adj. Of or pertaining to praxeology.
PRAXEOLOGICAL adj. relating to praxeology.
PROTOGALAXIESprotogalaxies n. Plural of protogalaxy.
PROTOGALAXY n. a galaxy in its initial state of formation.
XEROGRAPHICALLYxerographically adv. In a xerographic way; by xerography.
XEROGRAPHIC adv. relating to xerography.
XYLOGRAPHICALxylographical adj. Xylographic.
XYLOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to xylography, the art of making engravings on wood, also XYLOGRAPHIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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