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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, G, I, 2M, N and S

CRAMMINGScrammings n. Plural of cramming.
CRAMMING n. the act of stuffing full.
GYMNASIUMgymnasium n. (Formal) A large room or building for indoor sports.
gymnasium n. A type of secondary school in some European countries which typically prepares students for university.
gymnasium n. (Historical) A public place or building where Ancient Greek youths took exercise, with running and wrestling…
IMMASKINGimmasking v. Present participle of immask.
IMMASK v. (Shakespeare) to mask or disguise.
MAGIANISMMagianism prop.n. Zoroastrianism.
MAGIANISM n. the teachings or philosophy of the magi.
MAGNESIUMmagnesium n. The chemical element (symbol Mg) with an atomic number of 12. It is a light, easily flammable, silvery-white…
MAGNESIUM n. a bright silver-white metallic element.
MAGNETISMmagnetism n. (Physics) The property of being magnetic.
magnetism n. (Physics) The science which treats of magnetic phenomena.
magnetism n. Power of attraction; power to excite the feelings and to gain the affections.
MISAIMINGmisaiming v. Present participle of misaim.
MISAIM v. to aim badly.
MISMAKINGmismaking v. Present participle of mismake.
MISMAKE v. to make incorrectly.
MISMANAGEmismanage v. (Transitive) To manage an area of responsibility in a way which is inept, incompetent, or dishonest.
mismanage v. (Intransitive) To behave, in a management capacity, in a manner which is inept, incompetent, or dishonest.
MISMANAGE v. to manage wrongly.
MISMATINGmismating v. Present participle of mismate.
mismating n. An unsuitable or incorrect mating between organisms.
MISMATING n. the act of mating wrongly or unsuitably.
MISNAMINGmisnaming n. The act of calling something by its wrong name.
misnaming v. Present participle of misname.
MISNAME v. to call by the wrong name.
SCRAMMINGscramming v. Present participle of scram.
SCRAM v. to leave quickly.
SHAMMYINGshammying v. Present participle of shammy.
SHAMMY v. to prepare leather like chamois, also CHAMOIS.
SLAMMINGSslammings n. Plural of slamming.
SLAMMING n. slam dancing.
SPAMMINGSspammings n. Plural of spamming.
SPAMMING n. sending out electronic junk mail.
SUMMATINGsummating v. Present participle of summate.
SUMMATE v. to add together.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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