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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, C, E, P and 3S

CASSIOPESCASSIOPE n. an evergreen shrub.
CHAPESSESchapesses n. Plural of chapess.
CHAPESS n. a female chap, also CHAPPESS.
COMPASSEScompasses n. Plural of compass.
compasses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of compass.
COMPASS v. to surround or enclose.
ESCAPISMSescapisms n. Plural of escapism.
ESCAPISM n. avoidance of reality.
ESCAPISTSescapists n. Plural of escapist.
ESCAPIST n. one given to escapism.
MISSPACESmisspaces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misspace.
MISSPACE v. to space incorrectly.
PASSCODESpasscodes n. Plural of passcode.
PASSCODE n. a sequence of digits used to gain access to a building, computer system, etc.
SCALPLESSscalpless adj. Without a scalp.
SCALPLESS adj. without a scalp.
SCAPELESSscapeless adj. (Botany) Without a scape.
SCAPELESS adj. not to be escaped.
SCHNAPSESschnapses n. Plural of schnaps.
SCHNAPS n. (German) a kind of brandy, also SCHNAPPS, SHNAPPS, SHNAPS.
SEASCAPESseascapes n. Plural of seascape.
SEASCAPE n. a picture representing a scene at sea.
SKYSCAPESskyscapes n. Plural of skyscape.
SKYSCAPE n. a picture of the sky.
SLIPCASESslipcases n. Plural of slipcase.
slip-cases n. Plural of slip-case.
slip␣cases n. Plural of slip case.
SPACELESSspaceless adj. Boundless or unlimited.
spaceless adj. Infinite.
spaceless adj. Without space characters.
SPACINESSspaciness n. The state or quality of being spacy.
SPACINESS n. the state of being spacy.
SUBSPACESsubspaces n. Plural of subspace.
SUBSPACE n. a subset of a mathematical space.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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