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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing A, C, E, N, P and 2R

CARPENTERcarpenter n. A person skilled at carpentry, the trade of cutting and joining timber in order to construct buildings…
carpenter n. (Nautical) A senior rating in ships responsible for all the woodwork onboard; in the days of sail, a…
carpenter n. A two-wheeled carriage.
CARPENTRYcarpentry n. (Uncountable) The trade of cutting and joining timber in order to construct buildings or other structures;…
carpentry n. (Countable) A carpenter’s workshop.
carpentry n. (Uncountable) A collection of timber connected by being framed together, as the pieces of a roof, floor…
COPARTNERcopartner n. A joint partner (in a business).
copartner v. To form a joint partnership with somebody.
COPARTNER n. one who is jointly concerned with one or more persons in business.
PARACRINEparacrine adj. Describing a hormone or other secretion released from endocrine cells into the surrounding tissue rather…
PARACRINE adj. of signalling between biological senses.
PARCENARYparcenary n. (Law) The holding or occupation of an inheritable estate which descends from the ancestor to two or…
PARCENARY n. the state of being a parcener, a joint heir.
PARCENERSparceners n. Plural of parcener.
PARCENER n. a coheir, or one of two or more persons to whom an estate of inheritance descends jointly, and by whom it is held as one estate.
PRECANCERprecancer adj. Before the onset of cancer.
precancer n. An incipient form of cancer that may become malignant if not treated.
PRECANCER adj. preceding cancer.
PROCREANTprocreant adj. That procreates.
procreant adj. Of or pertaining to procreation; procreative.
procreant n. One who, or that which, procreates.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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