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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing A, C, 2E, I, V and Y

COOPERATIVELYcooperatively adv. In a cooperative manner; working with others on a task as part of a team.
coöperatively adv. Alternative form of cooperatively.
co-operatively adv. Alternative spelling of cooperatively.
CORRELATIVELYcorrelatively adv. In a correlative manner.
CORRELATIVE adv. mutually linked, also CORELATIVE.
DECEIVABILITYdeceivability n. The state or quality of being deceivable.
DECEIVABILITY n. the quality of being deceivable.
DECLARATIVELYdeclaratively adv. In a declarative way.
DECLARATIVE adv. making a declaration.
DEPRECATIVELYdeprecatively adv. In an deprecating manner; in a manner that deprecates.
DEPRECATIVE adv. serving to deprecate.
DISPURVEYANCEdispurveyance n. (Obsolete, rare) Lack of provisions.
DISPURVEYANCE n. (Spenser) depriving of provisions.
ENUNCIATIVELYenunciatively adv. In an enunciative manner.
ENUNCIATIVE adv. containing enunciation or utterance, also ENUNCIATORY.
EVANGELICALLYevangelically adv. In an evangelical manner, concerning evangelism.
EVANGELICAL adv. of or relating to the Christian gospel.
EXPLICATIVELYexplicatively adv. In an explicative way.
EXPLICATIVE adv. serving to explicate.
HYPERREACTIVEhyperreactive adj. Showing a much greater than normal response to a stimulus.
HYPERREACTIVE adj. excessively reactive.
INTERACTIVELYinteractively adv. In an interactive manner.
INTERACTIVE adv. mutually or reciprocally active.
IRRECOVERABLYirrecoverably adv. In an irrecoverable manner; beyond recovery.
IRRECOVERABLE adv. not capable of being recovered or rectified.
POLYVALENCIESpolyvalencies n. Plural of polyvalency.
POLYVALENCY n. the state of being polyvalent.
PREDICATIVELYpredicatively adv. As a predicate; giving information about the subject of a sentence.
PREDICATIVE adv. indicating the predicate.
RECEIVABILITYreceivability n. The quality or state of being receivable.
RECEIVABILITY n. the quality of being receivable.
RETROACTIVELYretroactively adv. Done after the fact; applying to events that have previously transpired.
RETROACTIVE adv. taking effect as from a previous date.
SPECULATIVELYspeculatively adv. In a speculative manner.
SPECULATIVE adv. involving, based on, or constituting intellectual speculation.
UNPERCEIVABLYunperceivably adv. Imperceptibly.
UNPERCEIVABLE adv. that cannot be perceived.
UNSERVICEABLYunserviceably adv. In an unserviceable manner.
VICEROYALTIESviceroyalties n. Plural of viceroyalty.
VICEROYALTY n. the office of viceroy, also VICEROYSHIP.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 64 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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