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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing 2A, E, O, S, U and Y

ACHLAMYDEOUSachlamydeous adj. (Botany) having no perianth.
ACHLAMYDEOUS adj. without a perianth.
APOCYNACEOUSapocynaceous adj. (Botany) Of the family Apocynaceae, which contains the periwinkle and oleander.
APOCYNACEOUS adj. belonging to the periwinkle family, Apocynaceae.
AUTOCATALYSEautocatalyse v. Alternative spelling of autocatalyze.
AUTOCATALYSE v. to effect autocatalysis, also AUTOCATALYZE.
CADAVEROUSLYcadaverously adv. In a cadaverous manner; like a cadaver.
CADAVEROUS adv. resembling a corpse, also CADAVERIC.
CALCAREOUSLYcalcareously adv. In a calcareous manner.
CALCAREOUS adv. chalky; of or containing calcium carbonate.
DESQUAMATORYdesquamatory adj. (Surgery) Relating to the removal of the laminae of exfoliated bones.
DESQUAMATORY n. an obsolete surgical instrument once used for the desquamation of bones.
EMASCULATORYemasculatory adj. Serving or tending to emasculate.
EMASCULATORY adj. tending to emasculate.
HYPERAROUSALhyperarousal n. A state of heightened psychological and physiological tension resulting in reduced pain tolerance, anxiety…
HYPERAROUSAL n. a state of extreme arousal.
MALONYLUREASmalonylureas n. Plural of malonylurea.
MALONYLUREA n. another name for barbituric acid.
PTYALAGOGUESptyalagogues n. Plural of ptyalagogue.
PTYALAGOGUE n. a substance promoting salivation.
QUAESTIONARYquæstionary n. Rare spelling of questionary.
QUAESTIONARY n. (Scott) a religious pardoner, also QUESTIONARY.
RAMPAGEOUSLYrampageously adv. In a rampageous manner.
RAMPAGEOUS adv. turbulent; unruly, also RAMPACIOUS.
STYRACACEOUSstyracaceous adj. (Botany) Relating to the Styracaceae.
STYRACACEOUS adj. belonging to the storax family.
UNREASONABLYunreasonably adv. In an unreasonable manner.
unreasonably adv. To an unreasonable degree.
UNREASONABLE adv. not governed by or acting according to reason.
UNSEASONABLYunseasonably adv. Not in accordance with the season.
UNSEASONABLE adv. occurring at other than the proper time.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 50 words
  • Scrabble in French: 20 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 38 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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