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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing 2A, B, M, R, T and U

ADUMBRATIONSadumbrations n. Plural of adumbration.
ADUMBRATION n. a sketch or outline.
ALBUMBLATTERalbumblatter n. Plural of albumblatt.
ALBUMBLATT n. (German) a short occasional instrumental composition, usually light in character.
AMBULATORIESambulatories n. Plural of ambulatory.
AMBULATORY n. an aisle down the east end of a church, behind the altar.
AMBULATORILYambulatorily adv. By or in terms of walking.
AMBULATORY adv. walking.
BACKCOURTMANbackcourtman n. (Basketball) A backcourt player.
BACKCOURTMAN n. a guard on a basketball team.
BAROTRAUMATABAROTRAUMA n. injury sustained from failure to equalize the pressure of an air-containing space with that of the surrounding environment.
DEAMBULATORYdeambulatory n. (Dated) A covered place in which to walk; an ambulatory.
deambulatory adj. Going about from place to place; wandering.
DEAMBULATORY n. a place for walking around or about in.
FUNAMBULATORfunambulator n. Tightrope walker.
FUNAMBULATOR n. a tightrope walker.
MASTURBATINGmasturbating v. Present participle of masturbate.
MASTURBATE v. to practice masturbation.
MASTURBATIONmasturbation n. Manual erotic stimulation of the genitals or other erotic regions, often to orgasm, either by oneself or a partner.
masturbation n. (Figurative) A vain activity.
MASTURBATION n. the act of masturbating.
MASTURBATORSmasturbators n. Plural of masturbator.
MASTURBATOR n. one who masturbates.
MASTURBATORYmasturbatory adj. Of or relating to masturbation.
masturbatory adj. Excessively self-absorbed or self-indulgent.
MASTURBATORY adj. of, relating to, or involving masturbation.
PERAMBULATEDperambulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of perambulate.
PERAMBULATE v. to walk through, to inspect an area on foot.
PERAMBULATESperambulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of perambulate.
PERAMBULATE v. to walk through, to inspect an area on foot.
PERAMBULATORperambulator n. (Britain) A baby carriage.
perambulator n. One who perambulates.
perambulator n. A surveyor’s instrument for measuring distances, consisting of a wheel that rolls over the ground, along…
PREAMBULATEDpreambulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of preambulate.
PREAMBULATE v. to make a preamble.
PREAMBULATESpreambulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of preambulate.
PREAMBULATE v. to make a preamble.
TRANSMUTABLEtransmutable adj. Able to be transmuted.
TRANSMUTABLE adj. capable of being transmuted.
TRANSMUTABLYtransmutably adv. Such that it can be transmuted.
TRANSMUTABLE adv. capable of being transmuted.
UNMARKETABLEunmarketable adj. Not marketable.
UNMARKETABLE adj. not marketable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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