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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, C, D, I, L, N and P

APPENDICLESappendicles n. Plural of appendicle.
APPENDICLE n. a small appendage.
CHILOPODANSCHILOPODAN n. a member of the order Chilopoda, which contains the centipedes, also CHILOPOD.
DECEPTIONALdeceptional adj. Employing or relating to deception; deceptive.
DECEPTIONAL adj. of the nature of deception.
DIENCEPHALAdiencephala n. Plural of diencephalon.
DIENCEPHALON n. the back of the forebrain, connecting the midbrain with the cerebral hemispheres.
DISCIPLINALdisciplinal adj. Relating to discipline, i.e. order and/or punishment.
DISCIPLINAL adj. relating to discipline.
DUPLICATINGduplicating v. Present participle of duplicate.
DUPLICATE v. to copy.
DUPLICATIONduplication n. The act of duplicating.
duplication n. A folding over; a fold.
duplication n. (Biology) The act or process of dividing by natural growth or spontaneous action.
ENCEPHALOIDencephaloid adj. Resembling the material of the brain; cerebriform.
encephaloid n. A malignant cancer of brain-like consistency.
ENCEPHALOID adj. like or resembling a brain.
ENDOPLASMICendoplasmic adj. (Cytology) of or relating to endoplasm.
ENDOPLASMIC adj. as in endoplasmic reticulum, a series of flattened membranous tubules and cisternae in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells, also ENDOPLASTIC.
ENDOPLASTICendoplastic adj. Synonym of endoplasmic.
ENDOPLASTIC adj. as in endoplasmic reticulum, a series of flattened membranous tubules and cisternae in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells, also ENDOPLASMIC.
INDUPLICATEinduplicate adj. (Botany) Having the edges bent abruptly toward the axis; said of the parts of the calyx or corolla in aestivation.
induplicate adj. (Botany) Having the edges rolled inward and then arranged about the axis without overlapping; said of…
in␣duplicate phr. Consisting of two copies.
LANDSCAPINGlandscaping n. Improved land (trees, gardens, leveled ground, etc).
landscaping n. The act of improving a landscape.
landscaping v. Present participle of landscape.
LANDSCAPISTlandscapist n. An artist who paints landscapes.
landscapist n. A landscape gardener.
LANDSCAPIST n. an artist who does landscapes.
LAPIDESCENTlapidescent adj. Capable of petrifying other bodies.
lapidescent adj. Capable of being converted into stone.
LAPIDESCENT adj. (archaic) becoming stone; petrifying.
PALINDROMICpalindromic adj. Of, relating to, or being a palindrome.
palindromic adj. Beginning and ending in a similar way.
PALINDROMIC adj. of or like a palindrome, also PALINDROMICAL.
PANICULATEDpaniculated adj. (Botany) paniculate.
PANICULATED adj. having or arranged in panicles, also PANICULATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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