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There are 20 ten-letter words containing A, C, H, I, L and 2N

BRANCHLINEbranchline n. Rare spelling of branch line.
branch␣line n. (Rail transport) A secondary railroad route or one subsidiary to a railroad’s mainlines.
branch␣line n. (Rail transport) A non-through line which joins a mainline (or another branch or secondary line) and…
CHALANNINGCHALAN v. (Urdu) in India, to cause (an accused person) to appear before a magistrate.
CHANGELINGchangeling n. (European folklore, also figurative) In pre-modern European folklore: an infant of a magical creature…
changeling n. (By extension) A person or object (especially when regarded as inferior) secretly exchanged for something else.
changeling n. (By extension, informal, rare) An infant secretly exchanged with another infant deliberately or by mistake;…
CHANNELINGchanneling v. Present participle of channel.
channeling n. Alternative form of channelling.
CHANNEL v. to direct along a course.
CHANNELISEchannelise v. (British spelling) alternative form of channelize.
CHANNELISE v. to create or provide a channel for, also CHANNELIZE.
CHANNELIZEchannelize v. To form a channel, especially by deepening or altering the course of a river.
channelize v. (Transitive) To transmit through a channel.
channelize v. (Transitive) To multiplex (messages) through a single line.
CHANTINGLYchantingly adv. In a chanting manner.
CHANTING adv. singing.
CHELONIANSchelonians n. Plural of chelonian.
CHELONIAN n. any member of the turtle or tortoise family.
CLANNISHLYclannishly adv. In a clannish manner.
CLANNISH adv. like a clan.
ENCEPHALINencephalin n. Alternative form of enkephalin.
ENCEPHALIN n. a chemical found in small quantities in the brain, which relieves pain, also ENCEPHALINE, ENKEPHALIN, ENKEPHALINE.
FLANCHINGSflanchings n. Plural of flanching.
FLANCHING n. a sloping piece of cement, e.g. round the base of a chimneypot, also FLAUNCHING.
FLAUNCHINGflaunching v. Present participle of flaunch.
flaunching n. The sloped mortar fillet around the base of a chimney pot, which serves to hold the pot in position…
flaunching n. A mortar fillet at the junction of the chimney stack and the roof; superseded in modern times by lead flashing.
HALCYONIANhalcyonian adj. Halcyon; calm.
HALCYONIAN adj. peaceful and happy, also HALCYONIC.
LAUNCHINGSlaunchings n. Plural of launching.
LAUNCHING n. the act of making a launch.
MANCHINEELmanchineel n. A tropical American tree (Hippomane mancinella), having apple-like, poisonous fruit, and a sap that…
MANCHINEEL n. (Spanish) a tropical tree with poisonous latex.
MISCHANNELmischannel v. To channel badly or wrongly.
MISCHANNEL v. to channel wrongly.
NONETHICALnonethical adj. Not ethical; not related to ethics.
NONETHICAL adj. not ethical.
PLAINCHANTplainchant n. Synonym of plainsong.
PLAINCHANT n. plainsong.
SPLANCHNICsplanchnic adj. (Medicine) Of, in, near or pertaining to the viscera or intestines.
SPLANCHNIC adj. visceral.
UNLATCHINGunlatching v. Present participle of unlatch.
unlatching n. The act of unfastening a latch.
UNLATCH v. to undo a fastening on a door or gate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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