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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 10 ten-letter words containing A, C, E, H, 2N and P

CATCHPENNYcatchpenny n. A cheap item designed to attract purchasers of other goods.
catchpenny n. A publication, etc. intended to make money, with no particular merit otherwise.
CATCHPENNY n. a worthless thing made only for profit.
CHAPERONINchaperonin n. (Biochemistry) Any of a class of chaperone proteins.
CHEAPENINGcheapening v. Present participle of cheapen.
cheapening n. The process by which something is cheapened or made vulgar.
CHEAPEN v. to lower the value of.
ENCEPHALINencephalin n. Alternative form of enkephalin.
ENCEPHALIN n. a chemical found in small quantities in the brain, which relieves pain, also ENCEPHALINE, ENKEPHALIN, ENKEPHALINE.
ENCEPHALONencephalon n. (Neuroanatomy) The area of central nervous system that includes all higher nervous centers, enclosed…
ENCEPHALON n. the contents of the cranium; the brain.
NAPHTHENICnaphthenic adj. (Chemistry) Of, pertaining to, or derived from a naphthene.
NAPHTHENIC adj. of or like naphthene.
PHENACAINEphenacaine n. (Pharmacology) A local anesthetic, the only anesthetic other than cocaine that is approved for ophthalmic use.
PHENACAINE n. a crystalline base or its hydrochloride of local anaesthetic.
PHENACETINphenacetin n. Any of a class of analgesic and antipyretic drugs derived from acetanilide.
phenacetin n. (Pharmacology) A specific antipyretic drug, also called acetophenetidin, with the formula C10H13NO2
PHENACETIN n. an antipyretic drug.
SNAPHANCESsnaphances n. Plural of snaphance.
SNAPHANCE n. (obsolete) a freebooter; a flintlock; a spring catch or trap, also SNAPHAUNCE, SNAPHAUNCH.
SNAPHAUNCEsnaphaunce n. Alternative form of snaphance.
SNAPHAUNCE n. (obsolete) a freebooter; a flintlock; a spring catch or trap, also SNAPHANCE, SNAPHAUNCH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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