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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing A, 2C, E, H and 2N

BECHANCINGbechancing v. Present participle of bechance.
BECHANCE v. to happen by chance.
CACHINNATEcachinnate v. (Intransitive) To laugh loudly, immoderately, or too often.
CACHINNATE v. to laugh loudly or immoderately.
CATANANCHECATANANCHE n. any plant of the South European genus Catananche, some of which are grown for their blue and white flowers.
CATCHPENNYcatchpenny n. A cheap item designed to attract purchasers of other goods.
catchpenny n. A publication, etc. intended to make money, with no particular merit otherwise.
CATCHPENNY n. a worthless thing made only for profit.
CHACONINESchaconines n. Plural of chaconine.
CHACONINE n. a toxic alkaloid found in potatoes.
CHANCINESSchanciness n. The quality of being chancy or risky; riskiness.
CHANCINESS n. the state of being chancy.
TECHNICIANtechnician n. A person who studies or practises technology; an expert in a particular technology.
TECHNICIAN n. a specialist in the technical details of a subject or occupation.
TRENCHANCYtrenchancy n. The quality of being trenchant.
trenchancy n. Irony or bitterness of tone.
TRENCHANCY n. the quality of being trenchant.
UNCHANCIERUNCHANCY adj. unlucky, spooky.
UNMECHANICUNMECHANIC adj. (archaic) unmechanical.
WANCHANCIEWANCHANCIE adj. (Scots) unlucky, dangerous, uncanny, also WANCHANCY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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